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I recently signed up for my FREE online chore chart at MyJobChart and let me tell you it works!

My son, Kai, is a five year old and gets it. The first day, I explained to him how it worked and when the day was over we logged on and went down the chore list and marked off chores done for the day.  He was surprised how many points were adding up and was learning how to get more points.

Toys are Kai’s motivation. So, that was the motivation behind ticking those chores off on the online chore chart.

On the mommy side: I’m seeing that our homeschooling has increased and we are now finishing all our assigned classes.  He is helping me around the house more, like clearing the table!  It’s making MY job a bit easier and I’m proud to see my son helping out at five years old.

MyJobChart certainly does motivate a child to earn rewards so that they can save, donate to charity, or spend on toys!

Motivating Your Kids Is Easy: Just 1-2-3:

1) Sign-up for MyJobChart!
2) Assign Chores to Your Kids
3) Reward Your Kids For Great Work!

This post may contain affiliate links. Click to read disclosure policy.  Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


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