Earn Money with MintVine..
MintVine is the most easiest way to earn money! Updated 2021: MintVine is now GoBranded Surveys I found another paid survey site that looks fantastic and is getting thousands newContinue Reading
If you enjoy answering quick surveys and getting compensated for my time and opinion then PaidViewPoint is a survey site you must join. They have a unique TraitScore system thatContinue Reading
Trains on the Brain – Free Apps
My son Kai absolutely has TRAINS on the BRAINS all the time. Trains and more Trains. My son’s favorite is Thomas & Friends. No day goes by that I don’tContinue Reading
Single Moms Label – Good or Bad?
Single moms are not bad people We are Real-Life Super-Heroes! In a way, that nothing hurts us, not even the single mom label! The hardest and most rewarding thing IContinue Reading
Son’s First Frugal Lesson
I’m in no way frugal. My son, Kai is a sweet, rambunctious five-year old boy. He learned his first lesson in being frugal. Since my unemployment from the working force,Continue Reading
Personalized Biorhythm Review by BecauseITriedIt
Personalized Biorhythm Product Description “Bio” means life and “rhythm” means flowing with a regular movement. We all have three ways of operating in this world; three internal energies interacting withContinue Reading
Karaoke as Stress Buster… What’s Yours?
Everyone has stress but it just doesn’t matter. What matters is what we do to catch a breather and get refreshed to battle on! One of my favorite stress busterContinue Reading
Online Virtual Assistant
A Virtual Assistant is a professional who will support your business by increasing your productivity. The concept of A Virtual Assistant is perfect for small business, businesses just startingContinue Reading
Failed Empty Nester Syndrome – I am a Mom Again
Am I an empty nester? I was for a short time before I decided to be a mother again. My oldest children are a 26-year old son and a 25-yearContinue Reading
Do you want to get paid to search? How about earning a free Amazon gift card just for searching? Every Friday is Mega Swag Bucks Day which means you canContinue Reading